Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hairspray - The Movie of the Musical - I'm Pissed!

Last night on Letterman I saw a clip of John Travolta as Edna Turnblad, attempting to sing “Welcome to the 60s” from the movie version of the musical Hairspray, set to hit theatres tomorrow.

I'm pissed.

Why the f*** didn't they give that role to Harvey Fierstein? Harvey Fierstein (pictured above) defined that role. Not to mention that Travolta can’t frikking sing his way out of an Englewood, New Jersey Shop-rite shopping bag.

Harvey Fierstein - good. John Travolta - bad, very bad. Plus Travolta was so full of himself on Letterman that I was surprised Letterman didn't cut to commercial and tell him to get off his high horse before the show returned. Travolta was talking about how he values the "legacy" of his role in what he claims to be "the best movie musical ever" (Grease?!) and that the Hairspray people really had to sell him on the script to get him to do it because "I know musicals." Geez, Travolta, step down off your high frikking horse and get a little humility. And while you're at it you might want to try coming out of the closet as well. (Whoops, did I say that in a public forum? I hope he doesn't sue me.)

I’m pissed and I’m not planning on seeing the movie. Not as long as John Travolta is in it.

So there!

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