Friday, December 01, 2006

My life in showbiz, week 14... plus save the date - December 17 - my first annual birthday/comedy yuk-fest!

Dear Friends and Family,

I'll be appearing Saturday night, December 2, at the Petri Dish show at the Clubhouse at SF Comedy College - 414 Mason Street, 7th floor, hosted this week by the fabulous Ali Mafi. Show begins promptly at 6, so please arrive at 6 and plan to stay for the entire show, until 7:30, not just to see me but to see some really, really, really funny people who I am honored to be able to share a stage with every Saturday night. $5 admission, well worth the cost. SF Comedy College happily accepts donations; see link in "links" section of this page to learn more about SF Comedy College. Leave the kids at home, and don't expect political correctness - not even from me!

Save the date - The First Annual Kenny Altman Birthday/Comedy Yuk-fest - Sunday evening, December 17, 7 - 9 pm, at a private home in San Francisco - if you would like an invitation let me know by

Shabbat shalom to all,

Kenny A.

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