Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Boxer vs. Rice - much ado about nothing. In other words, a smokescreen for the chickenhawks who support this travesty in Iraq to divert us from the real issue - we have invaded a country illegally, 3,000 of our young people have died, and George Bush wants to send 20,000 more over there. For what? Please, for fuck's sake, can someone please tell me for what?!

And in the middle of it all, all the news columnists and radio talk show hosts can talk about is this bullshit about one comment that Barbara Boxer made to Condoleeza Rice?! Can we please concentrate on what's really important here. Can the news media please get back to work and report on the seriousness of this travesty that Bush has created, and leave the fun and fluff pieces where they belong - with Ebntertainment Tonight and Rosie and Donald, Britney and K-Fed, Zarf/Zoe, aka All My Children's lesbian trapped in a man's body, etc....

This "war" is a travesty, we have a seated "president" who wants to put the civil rights of a majority up to a popular vote, and all people seem to be worrying about is whether Boxer unduly criticized Rice? Please!

Thanks for listening, have a great, peaceful, humorous, pop culture-filled day.

Kenny A.

P.S. Yes, I am aware that I used the word "travesty" three times in one short piece. Sosumi.

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