Redwood City Skyline
I will be at the Villa Roma at 593 Woodside Road in Redwood City, on Wednesday May 7 at 8 pm with host Dan Edwards (current semi-finalist, Rooster T. Feather’s 6th Annual Comedy Competition), Christine Gelat (also a current semi-finalist, Rooster T. Feather’s!) and headliner Jeff Applebaum (The Rat Pack, The Late, Late Show With Craig Ferguson). No cover, no minimum, plus FREE pub grub. (Holy crap, Kenny, did you say free food?!) Yeah, hotdogs, nachos, popcorn and more – all free!
Friends, this is a great new comedy series that Dan Edwards is putting together. I am honored to be in the company of these great comics, and I would so greatly appreciate your support in coming out to see this show; you will not be disappointed. Several of you came to see me in the Marga’s Funny Tuesdays show recently at Harvey’s in the Castro – thank you for that! I love it when people I know are in the audience, and the bookers love it even more, especially when you buy lots and lots of drinks!*
Thank you for supporting live comedy; enjoy it while we still have a First Amendment!
To those of you of the 12-tribes of Israel persuasion, hope you are enjoying your Passover. It is one of my favorites!
*Please make sure you have a designated driver or, if you’re Jewish, a designated whiner. :)
Congrats! And good luck!
And happy passover, of course.
Toda rabbah!
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