Friday, March 07, 2008

A Staggering Loss - Sarah Horowitz

My dear friend Sarah Horowitz passed away this past week. She was just 44 years old. Ironically, this interview with Sarah, which has her sharing her own feelings about faith and loss, was published yesterday at Nextbook, an online Jewish publication. The author has since learned that Sarah passed away at around the same time that the article was being posted and has asked people who knew Sarah, or who are moved to do so, to share their thoughts in the article's "comments" section.

Sarah battled health problems throughout her entire life but she refused to let them stop her from pursuing her dreams and her passions. To paraphrase my rabbi, Micah Hyman, "her spirit was stronger than her body." She was a pure soul, and an amazingly accomplished person - among other things she was a poet, a Jewish scholar, a teacher of autistic children, and she made the best damn pumpkin Challah I have ever tasted in my life!

Sarah was loved, and she will be missed. Zichrona l'vracha - may her memory be for a blessing.

Shabbat shalom,



Frank Gallagher said...

Hi Kenny, I'm amy and my sister and Sarah were very close since I was a kid.
I enjoyed you post.

Kenny Altman said...

Thank you.

Frank Gallagher said...

I'm waiting to hear from my sister Emily, how'd she do?
Was she able to sing?

Kenny Altman said...

It was the most gorgeous, soulful, heartfelt el malei I have ever heard in my life.

Shlichat Tzibbur said...

Thank you so much, Kenny! I am so sorry I didn't get to talk to you, but we are all so dazed. Rabbi Hyman did a great job, Sarah would have been pleased with him, don't you think? E mail me at if you want......
I wish I could be at the minyanim down there.


Frank Gallagher said...

I accidently deleted your email.
Resend please.

Anonymous said...

I am still staggering over Sarah’s passing, I can't get over this, she was my friend! Memories of 2535 Anza, Sweet Memories
L’Shana Tovah Kenny, Barney